Southeast Creek Landing
800 Southeast Creek Rd., Church Hill
Q.A. Co. Public Landing Permit Required
This 0.25 – acre facility has a 14 – foot wide boat launching ramp, providing access to Southeast Creek and the Chester River. Southeast Creek public landing is a cement ramp that serves as an excellent spot for launching canoes, kayaks, and small to medium-sized boats (<16’).
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT THE RAMP AND CHANNEL CAN BE SHALLOW AT LOW TIDE. Paddlers will want to head upstream, where the main branch of the creek begins to narrow after the first mile and then winds past forested shorelines, large farms, and lush marshlands until it peters out at Route 213 (3.5 miles). Paddlers may also want to use this as a staging area for exploring Island Creek, a tributary just downstream from the landing that meanders for 4+ miles past high wooded banks and cattail marshes. Boaters can access prime Chester River crabbing grounds from this location, making this ramp crowded on summer weekends.
Portable toilets provided April to October